"In the preface to a new edition of my book “Battles Christians Face”, which features eights areas of struggle, including homosexuality, I write that, to a greater or lesser degree, I face them all myself. Close family and friends have known for a considerable time that I experience same sex attraction. None of the issues in the book define me. As a single man I am celibate, because I believe the Bible teaches that the right context for sex is only in marriage between a man and a woman."
I have had the privilege of hearing this man preach before. He has written one of the best books that addresses what the whole Bible is about.
In this article though, his courage in fighting sin is exemplary. Homosexuals are not the only ones committing sexual sin and I really admire his boldness.
"In the preface to a new edition of my book “Battles Christians Face”, which features eights areas of struggle, including homosexuality, I write that, to a greater or lesser degree, I face them all myself. Close family and friends have known for a considerable time that I experience same sex attraction. None of the issues in the book define me. As a single man I am celibate, because I believe the Bible teaches that the right context for sex is only in marriage between a man and a woman."
I have had the privilege of hearing this man preach before. He has written one of the best books that addresses what the whole Bible is about.
In this article though, his courage in fighting sin is exemplary. Homosexuals are not the only ones committing sexual sin and I really admire his boldness.