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Showing posts from November, 2014

A new life

I went to watch Joe Satriani tonight. Courtesy of a friend who gave me a complimentary ticket. As you can see the ticket costs $0.00. I was very grateful for that but there were moments during the concert where I teared. And the reason I teared is because a few years ago, this was my world. Guitars and music dominated me. There were times when I wished to be exactly like Satriani. But I no longer have those desires. They are all dead. I teared because I know He has begun a good work in me. Instead of being a student of Satriani, I now want to be a student of Christ. The road is full of struggles. I have a long way to go. But there is no way back now. I am dead to the world because I know nothing in it can satisfy me.

A clean conscience

I stand before God with my conscience clean on these two matters - that in the realm of public discourse I have defended the authentic gospel against firstly, those who would validate that the love of God permits an antinomian lifestyle of homosexuality and secondly, against those who think the privileges of the gospel of Jesus Christ do not extend to those who struggle with such same sex desires and are genuinely repentant