This is my sermons page where I share the various instances where I have shared the word of God in a public setting since 2012. I do not share this because they are perfect.
I hope that as I grow, I too can detect a growing maturity that comes as a result of God's outpouring of His grace year by year and a better grasp of it.
I hope that as I grow, I too can detect a growing maturity that comes as a result of God's outpouring of His grace year by year and a better grasp of it.
- Coming soon
- Immanuel in the Gathering of the Church and the Discipling of the Church - Selected passaged from Matthew - Grace Baptist Church - Youth Bible Conference (link)
- What is Heaven - Grace Baptist Church - Youth Camp (link)
- Transforming Liars, Evil Beasts, and Gluttons into a people for Christ - Titus 2:11-3:2 - Evening Exposition - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- God Frustrates Those who Frustrates His Plans - Exodus 2:1- A Gobbet - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- Abandoned, Abused, and Detested but not by God, and not by the Fellowship - 2 Timothy 4:9-22 -Preaching Presentation - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- A Biblical Examination of Church and Care Groups - Various Passages - Care Group Material - Grace Baptist Church (link)
- To Follow Christ is to be Last of All - 1 Corinthians 4:-13 - Evening Exposition - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- The Judgment of the Son of God and the Gospel of the Torn Curtain - Mark 15:33-41 - Preaching Presentation - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- Jesus Has Authority over Creation and He wants us to have faith - Mark 4:35-41 - A Gobbet - St George's Church - Singapore Expository Preaching Course (link)
- The Problem with Jesus Plus Idols - 1 Samuel 23 - Grace Baptist Church Young Adults Retreat (link)