"A difficult decision now faced me. I can to this day recall the strain and stress of it. I needed to put certain things out of my life. I needed to put God first. But what would my friends say? Would they not scoff at me? Here, I do not hesitate to say, was the crucial moment in life. It was a time of agony and of decision. The issues of that decision-time were of eternal importance. The pull of the world and of worldly people was very strong. I think as I look back now that this was the most crucial hour in my life. Whom would I serve: God or Mammon? Which course would I take: to heaven or to hell?
Those who have experienced a Christian conversion know the struggle which I refer to. I was eighteen at the time and I had no knowledge of how others before me had gone through the same critical experience. The heart is pulled in two opposite directions. The emotions are placed under strain. Tears, fears and uncertainties all tear at the soul of one who is under conviction of sin."