Addressing Sako Gekchyan's answer for the Quora Question: "Historically, how and why did Jesus of Nazareth come to be thought of as God?" Sako Gekchyan: Ok this is going to be long so bear with me because it's not an easy answer... Perhaps I can offer an explanation outside of a Trinitarian bias. Contrary to what many Christians believe, The early followers of Jesus were devout Jews who followed all the commandments. The only one who seems to have opposed the continued following of the law was the apostle Paul who never even met Jesus in person to begin with. Considering the fact that the early disciples were Jews, The idea that their master was God in the flesh would've been considered both blasphemy and idolatry. I'm going to disagree with a claim made by a previous commentor, while the book known as the Didache is believed by most scholars to have been influenced by the apostles, it is completely devoid of any mention of Jesus as God. The only titles it seems to bestow upon...