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Showing posts from November, 2012

Chief of Sinners by John Piper Quite a piece of work by John Piper, indeed we can never thank God enough for the patience He has shown  to us, and may we extend that same patience to whoever we meet and encounter

From The Depths of Woe - Indelible Grace

Begone Unbelief!

What I have learned from Richard Sibbes

A dear friend gave to me a copy of Richard Sibbes' "A Tender Heart". I never thought that I would one day be reading 16th century books but I did, and must commend the very good people at Banner for Truth for translating the archaic English into something readable. Though small, it is packed full of stuff just worth deliberating and meditating over. I will quote one of the tenets of the book, which Sibbes goes on to defend vigorously, that has really captured my thoughts for a few days: "Doctrine I: That God graciously fits prophets for persons, and his word to a people that are upright in their hearts. Where there is a true desire to know the will of God, there God will give men sincere prophets that shall answer them exactly" Now this is truly a remarkable idea that should never leave our heads. The God whose righteousness is beyond us and whom we cannot bear to stand in the presence of, would choose to speak to us should we incline our hearts to w...

Gabriel's Oboe

A Mighty Fortress Like You've Never Heard Before